Exodus 14… When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he asked, “What are you really accomplishing here? Why are you trying to do all this alone while everyone stands around you from morning till evening?
Dear CEO,
You have the vision from God. The gift he placed on your heart to go forth and do a GREAT thing. You’re doing it. You’re doing it solo. You took the vision, but instead of giving it back to HIM, you’re doing it without God. Yes, you consult Him here and there, especially for the major wins. But along the journey when he wants you to acknowledge Him, through your frustrations, through the highs and lows, He’s looking for you.
You’ve trusted Him with the vision, but not the intricate downloads of HOW to accomplish it. Whom to bring in to level up this business. WHERE to navigate for funding, resources, networks, opportunity. WHAT to do next?
Friend, can I lean in and get honest with you? You’re not doing business with God. He’s your inspiration for the work. But He’s not your partner in the work. He’s not toiling the soil with you.
If you were to invite God in this moment, would He sound like Moses’ father-in-law and say, “What are you really accomplishing here?” Why are you trying to do all this alone…?
Perhaps you’re feeling a pit rising in your belly right now, let it rise - that’s the holy spirit. It’s my desire to ensure you elevate to your rightful place in business, in stewardship, in the kingdom by setting the foundation. Doing Business With God is our priority. We honor him by giving back what he has given us! We’re in a space and time where the world is.
You’re in the right place, this 5 session module will give you the tools to:
The Power of Your Decree
Establish your Capacity in Business
Producing The Oil Of Overflow In Business
Activate the Mantle of Honor in your business
Preparing For The Supernatural